Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Micro Teaching 1

Leave me some comments on my first lesson!!!


  1. Hey Brian, You have a quiet confidence and nice teacher manner that has been revealing itself over the semester. You did a nice job with the direct teaching. The artist in me would've loved some colored pencils or markers for the map activity. It probably would’ve made it a little easier for you and us to identify the three points, free state, slave states, and names of states, and for you to see what we had done. Thanks for a job well done. And for being out tech expert.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Brian,
    I agree with Viv, you had confidence in what you were teaching which is awesome for when you are in front of a real class. (Keep building up that confidence) Again, I agree with Viv we could have used some colors for the map activity. The activity turned out to be more individual rather than a group activity. I liked how you said that in a real class you would use the activity multiple times in order to have it engrained in the students minds.
    You did good, keep up the confidence and from what I can see you will be the kind of educator who will really try to implement activities into your units.
